ntent: How we ensure children gain the correct knowledge and skills at each stage of their education – intent is simply what we want our pupils to learn! 

On each of our Curriculum Subject pages you will find the framework we use to set out the programme of education for each of the subject areas we cover across the school, beginning from EYFS and ending with Year 6, and our rationale for teaching the curriculum in the way that we do! This framework also provides an overview of the knowledge, concepts and understanding to be gained at each stage of your child’s time here at Moreton Say. Content is carefully sequenced in all subjects to ensure breadth or coverage and to ensure that over time within our mixed age classes all aspects of knowledge and understanding are addressed to ensure EYFS, KS1, Lower KS2 and Upper KS2 requirements are covered and the necessary skills developed. Our Curriculum is ambitions for all and, as our vision statements says, we are a small school with a big vision and this in turn extends to the ambition we foster and nurture on behalf of our children.

Our Curriculum has been constructed carefully to ensure that it offers every pupil the chance to experience new learning and ideas whilst also understanding that each and every child has a different starting point. Our Teachers understand these starting points and, depending on need, adapt the content or approach to teaching a lesson accordingly. What we do ensure however, is that each child has access to the same content and opportunity enabling all to aspire and encourages all to aim high. As you will see from our curriculum overviews we ensure our pupils learning is progressive and builds upon prior learning and it is our belief that out mixed aged classes benefit our pupils providing challenge to those who are ready and opportunity to re-cap and consolidate.We are highly inclusive and extend this philosophy throughout all apsects of our curriculum and vision. 

Implementation: The way in which our curriculum is sequenced and the teaching activities we choose; how we encourage and upskill pupils to build on their knowledge, skills and understanding.

Our end of year outcomes are goals which are aimed for and these goals are achieved through the skilful sequencing of lessons the content of which, aligns clsoely at all times with our school’s vision, values and professional pedagogical approaches. Our curriculum is planned with a progression and mastery model in mind and ensures subject knowledge and skills are developed progressively and in ways that ensures children are not only taught the knowledge appropriate to their year group, but also the skills and wider understanding of the world around them that will to enable them to be good  citizens later in life.

Our Subject Leaders have designed Curriculums across the school which encourage breadth and depth when it comes to learning opportunities; breadth and depth of knowledge and skills but also thinking which encourages questioning from our pupils as opposed to simple acceptance of the world in which they live . The curriculum consists of planned experiences in school and out: lessons, topic days, outdoor learning, School Council, Worship, clubs, sports, trips and visits, workshops, residentials, fund raising community and advocacy work.  Outcomes are designed to meet the requirements of the National Curriculum but also to develop the skills needed for future learning and beyond. It is the golden thread that is our school’s Christian vision and the values to which we aspire and abide that are interwoven within our Curriculum and keep us connected.

The purpose of each lesson is to ‘break down’ concepts or knowledge, be it an opportunity to revisit or rehearse or to introduce new learning, in a manageable way which in turn provides a stepping stone that will in time accumulate alongside previous or further stepping stones to in turn meet these end of year outcomes.

As a mastery approach school we recognise the small steps required across a sequence of lessons to reach the end points we set out across our programmes of study and frameworks and therefore the purpose of each lesson is to ensure that our pupils are provided with tools and knowledge they will need in order to add to their skills set in order to apply independently and meet these end points. 

Teachers therefore, at the start, during and end of lessons skilfully question, scaffold and revisit to ascertain pupil’s existing subject knowledge and identify gaps as a form of assessment in order to address these in a timely way and ensure progress for all. 

Curriculum Impact; Monitoring and Review

Evaluation is essential for the planning and development of the curriculum. The Head teacher is responsible for the overall school curriculum. The standards team and subject leaders monitor lesson plans, moderate pupil work, conduct learning walks in order to support their self-evaluation of their subject, provide training, support to colleagues and to identify next steps for improvement.

Our Governing body is responsible for monitoring the way the school curriculum is implemented. Delegated governors for specific subjects liaise with the subject leader to monitor their identified actions and impact of these on the quality of learning, teaching and provision in the subject. Termly committee meetings take place so that governors can monitor and review the school curriculum.

Impact: The Outcomes that pupils achieve as a result of the education they have received

Our staff and Governors work tirelessly to ensure our curriculum impact is significant for all children.

Below are the key indicators by which we measure our pupils’ success:

  • Our children are academically and physically prepared for the next phase of their education, in Britain and the world.
  • Our learners have the opportunity to view the world from a range of angles and viewpoints and explore those key areas as outlined within the five key principles of Fundamental British Values.
  • Through our whole school vision and values our pupils are encouraged to think about the kind of people they aspire to be and the kind of world they aspire to create. 
  • Our pupils demonstrate courageous advocacy; challenging injustices and working for the greater good. 
  • Our children are taught age appropriate objectives to support them in achieving age expected standards. If they are not working at this level, they are well supported to ensure they are making progress from their starting point.
  • Our learners are able to recall knowledge across all areas of the curriculum.
  • Our learners have developed a love of reading.
  • Our learners are taught how to read fluently and have sound comprehension skills.
  • Our learners are fully rounded characters with a clear understanding of complex values like equality, friendship, trust and tolerance.
  • Our learners are highly motivated to succeed and achieve and are equipped with all the personal skills to do this.
  • Our learners are motivated by a strong personal sense of morality. They make decisions for the right reasons and in the best interests of their community.
  • Our learners can reflect on their learning and identify their next steps.
  • Our learners demonstrate resilience and the ability to persevere, when they encounter a challenge.
  • Our learners know ways to keep themselves safe and know channels to follow if they need help and support.
  • Our learners’ knowledge, understanding and skills are secure and embedded to ensure they are secondary ready.
  • Our learners have high aspirations for their future.