Our vision, ‘Love your neighbour as yourself’ is rooted in the parable of the Good Samaritan Luke 10:25-37. We believe that by being a small school we can engender a sense of neighbourlyness and this in turn provides us with great strength as it enables every child to be known and loved for who God has made them. It also encourages us to cultivate an awareness of the true spirt of God and his desire for us all aspire to be global citizens, courageous advocates and people of wisdom and integrity.
The Addmore Federation is where all children are valued, where they feel safe, are happy and learn well. We want our school to have a warm friendly atmosphere, which supports families, builds relationships and sets children up for a life of learning; to know that we are by your side. We want our Christian values to guide our pupils along the right path and help them to achieve fulfilling and happy lives.
We are an inclusive school and we encourage and celebrate diversity in religion, faiths, cultures and in skills and abilities. Our pupils learn within a secure and happy environment where all achievements are celebrated and where children who find aspects of school challenging are supported and nurtured.
We are committed to ensuring that all our children are happy, enjoy school, can take part fully in all learning and make good progress. Some children may need additional support in school because they have a special educational need or disability, commonly referred to as SEND. We value and embrace each child as an individual and endeavour to meet their needs to ensure that they succeed and thrive within our nurturing school.
Our Local Offer, downloadable below, provides details of how we support children in school. We hope it answers many of the questions parents and carers may have about how we support children with SEND. The range of support we offer is tailored to individual need. Assessments may be done by us internally or we may use other professionals to support our assessment process. Agencies we may draw upon for expertise include: the Speech and Language Service, the Educational Psychology Service, Learning and Behaviour Support Services, Autism West Midlands, BeeU Children’s Health and Mental Well-being Service and the Sensory Impairment Service.
We provide regular opportunities for you to discuss your child’s progress at termly Parents’ Evenings. If you are concerned about your child’s progress, we encourage you to contact their class teacher at any time via the school office. If your child is identified as having a special educational need, termly meetings will be held between you and your child’s teacher to discuss an individually tailored plan for your child.
The SEND Co-ordinator Mrs Sarah McLaughlin, who holds the national SENDCO qualification, is based on site at Moreton Say She supports class teachers in making assessments and drawing up individual plans for children with SEND.
Our SEN Policy and SEND Information Report contain detailed information about how we identify special needs and the support that we can offer. Support may be through: differentiated activities, planned by the teacher and delivered in the classroom; intervention programmes, targeted at specific skills which may be delivered by a teacher or teaching assistant; or, it may be that we are following a specialised programme on the advice of outside agencies, such as Speech and Language, Occupational Therapy etc.
Full details of what we can offer are found in our SEND Information Report, downloadable below. This report also signposts parents to Shropshire Council’s Local Offer and other useful services such as the Early Help process and the Shropshire Family Information Service.
We are committed to the full inclusion of all children in school life. For more details about our ‘Medical Conditions and Medicines Policy’ please request a copy. You may also find our ‘Pupil Wellbeing’ page useful. Our ‘Accessibility Policy and Plan’ is also available to view below.
Email (Local Offer): local.offer@shropshire.gov.uk Tel: (Local Offer): 0345 678 9063
IASS Shropshire offer FREE, confidential & impartial SEN information, advice & support for children, young people (aged 0–25) & parent carers.
Email: IASS@cabshropshire.org.uk Tel: 01743 280019
SEND admissions
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As a Shropshire Local Authority Federation we are part of the admission arrangements for Shropshire
Children with an education, health and care plan (EHCP) naming either school will be offered a place at that school.