Adderley:- OFSTED Good, SIAMS:- Good

Moreton Say:- OFSTED Good, SIAMS:- Good


Why does Ofsted inspect schools?

OFSTED inspect schools to provide information to parents, to promote improvement and to hold schools to account for the public money they receive. School inspections are required by law. OFSTED provide an independent assessment of the quality and standards of education in schools, and check whether pupils are achieving as much as they can.

Who inspects schools?

His Majesty’s Inspectors and Ofsted Inspectors (who in most cases are serving school leaders who inspect for Ofsted for an agreed number of days each year) carry out the inspections. All inspectors have been trained to, and assessed against, Ofsted’s standards.

How much notice do OFSTED give to a school before you inspect?

Most schools receive notice of their inspection between 10.30am and 2pm on the school day before the inspection begins. However, Ofsted can inspect any school without notice if this is judged to be appropriate.

How long do inspections last?

A graded inspection usually lasts 2 days. However, ungraded inspections of good or outstanding primary schools and good or outstanding maintained nursery schools with fewer than 150 pupils normally last for 1 day. The number of inspectors on the inspection team will vary according to the size and nature of the school.

What judgements do inspectors make on a graded inspection?

Inspectors will make graded judgements on overall effectiveness and the 4 key judgements:

  • the quality of education
  • behaviour and attitudes
  • personal development
  • leadership and management

When applicable, inspectors will also make a graded judgement on the effectiveness of the early years or sixth-form provision in the school.

Inspectors use the following 4-point scale to make all judgements:

  • grade 1 (outstanding)
  • grade 2 (good)
  • grade 3 (requires improvement)
  • grade 4 (inadequate)

OFSTED Reports

Addeley OFSTED All Reports

Moreton Say All Reports

Latest OFSTED Report- Adderley

Latest OFSTED Report- Moreton Say

About Siams

As a Church of England School Federation each school receives a SIAMs inspection, approximately every five years, which explores the question, “How effective is the school’s distinctive Christian vision, established and promoted by leadership at all levels, in enabling pupils and adults to flourish?”

This overarching inspection question is examined through seven strands:
1.    Vision and Leadership
2.    Wisdom, Knowledge, and Skills
3.    Character Development: Hope, Aspiration, and Courageous Advocacy
4.    Community and Living Well Together
5.    Dignity and Respect
6.    Impact of Collective Worship
7.    Effectiveness of Religious Education.

The Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools (SIAMS) is the Church of England and Methodist Church’s outworking of the requirements of section 48 of the Education Act 2005. It is a key element of the life of all Church of England and Methodist schools in England. 

Moreton Say COE VC Siams Report Feb 2023

Adderley VC Siams Report March 2016