Progress Check at 2 Years Old
Before you child’s 3rd Birthday, our Early Years Practitioners with carry out the early years foundation stage (EYFS) progress check at age 2. This check assists practitioners in early years to:
- review a child’s development and progress in the 3 prime areas of learning and development in the EYFS framework
- identify any areas of concern or additional development needs
- work with parents and other professionals to put in place appropriate support and intervention
The guidance used by practitionaers to inform, support and offers suggestions is called ‘Progress Check at age 2’. Alongside this practitioners use the Development Matters document which sets out how children develop and learn.
What is the purpose of the check?
The progress check at age two has three main purposes
Partnership with parents
While practitioners and other professionals can support children’s development and wellbeing individually, they can achieve so much more by working together. ‘Parent’ is used throughout the document to refer to parents, carers and guardians.
Action for every child
Writing down observations and sharing reports do not help children. Practitioners need to listen to the child, talk with each other and then plan together. Working together can make a difference.
Early identification
Some children need extra help for a while as they grow and develop – for example, with their communication.
Other children may have long-term developmental needs. Some families may struggle and need support. Whatever the circumstances, sensitive early intervention can make a big difference. Children develop rapidly between the ages of two and three – practitioners need to be quick to support and identify help where it is needed.